Pet Care Articles

Prepare Your Animals Before You Leave
July 10th, 2011
You've already chosen your pet sitter for your upcoming trip.  The following are some tips for pet owners to heed before they leave town...

1) Notify your vet that you are going out of town and that a pet sitter will be minding your pet while you are gone.

2) Ensure your pets are up-to-date on their vaccinations before you leave.

3) Ensure your credit card is on file at the vet, so the vet can take life-saving measures to help your pet if something goes wrong while you are away.  Don't make your pet sitter take on the monetary debt that goes along with saving the life of your pet while you are gone.

4) Ensure your pets have a solid collar with good identification tag should they get loose.  Micro-chipping your animal is highly recommended too.

5) Finally, make sure you buy extra food just in case you extend your trip out of town so your pets will have enough food while you are gone.  This goes for cat litter as well.