Pet Care Articles

Shelter Cats Just as Healthy as Purebred Cats
September 13th, 2011

Did you ever wonder if getting a shelter cat you might be getting an unhealthy cat?  Date shows otherwise...

In fact, recent data from pet insurance company Petplan show that cats adopted from cat shelters are about 5 percent less likely to have an unexpected trip to the vet, compared to cats purchased through pet stores or other sources.

Despite the great work of cat shelters nationwide, there are still misconceptions about shelter cats. Petplan offers some myths about shelter cats...

Myth: Shelter cats are prone to bad behaviors or health problems

Fact: Shelter cats are no more prone to poor behavior or health problems than purebred cats. In fact, most shelter cats receive extensive medical care to ensure they are healthy and ready for adoption.

Myth: Shelter cats aren’t spayed or neutered

Fact: Many shelter cat are spayed or neutered, and some even come with a microchip, low-cost veterinary care at the shelter, or even free pet insurance.

Myth: Shelter pets are tougher to train

Fact: Many shelter cats receive training and socialization before adoption to help make the transition into their new family easier.