Pet Care Articles

Sharp Rise in Dog-Napping
September 20th, 2011
Many more dogs are being stolen from their owners in recent months.  The American Kennel Club states in the first seven months of 2010, there were 150 reported dog thefts, compared to 224 in the same period this year.  Why are people stealing dogs?  For money and due to the economy.  The dogs could be held for ransom or resold as pets or for use in dog fights.  Which dogs are being stolen the most?   Some say pit bulls and other large breeds, but toy breeds, puppies and purebreads are being taken too.  What can you do to protect your pet?

1) Keep your dogs inside when you are not at home.

2) Don't leave your dogs unattended outside or tied up.

3) Microchip your pet so they have permanent identification.

4) If you dog was stolen, please report it to the police and tell local shelters.