Pet Care Articles

Top 5 Pet-Owner Mistakes
October 10th, 2011

What are the most common mistakers pet owners make?  Read on to find out...

Mistake 1: Buying a pet spontaneously

Always do your research before buying a pet.  Does it fit your lifestyle?  Can you take proper care of it?  If the answer isn't YES, then don't buy it.

Mistake 2: Skipping obedience training

Bad habits can be difficult to train out of a pet. So unless you have the know-how to school an animal, you need the help of a pro.

Mistake 3: Being inconsistent with the rules

Make the rules for your pet consistent and make sure all family members know them so the pet isn't confused.

Mistake 4: Dispensing too many free treats

Treats lose their training value if your pet gets them for no reason.  Make them special and only give them to your pet as a reward.

Mistake 5: Neglecting to socialize your pet

Pets that aren't exposed to a variety of animals and people at a very young age can develop fears and aggressive behavior.  Introduce your pet to adults, kids, animals, and environments so he'll take every novelty in stride. It's optimal for a pet to start the process before you bring him home, since the critical socialization period is early in life. 

There are other mistakes that owners make, but beyond these top five, please ensure your pet gets enough exercise and play with them to develop mental activity.  The last thing you want is an out-of-shape pet that just sits there like a bump on a log...