Pet Care Articles

Five Ways to Show You Love Animals
November 1st, 2011
Shelters are overflowing with abandoned dogs, cats, and other pets.  Doing just one thing on this list could save a little life...

1) Adopt a pet.  Consider making your new family member a special-needs animal.  An animal like a blind kitty needs love and a home too.  Find a special-needs pet in your area by searching's directory of more than 13,000 shelters.

2) Donate pet food to Petco's Food Bank Collection Program.  This program helps pet owners who have fallen on hard times.

3) Supply shelters with cozy bedding fgor animals.  Pets sleep in cramped cages while waiting for new owners.  Purchase a bed for as little as $35 from and the site will ship it to a shelter of your choice.

4) Visit  Every time you click the "Click Here to Give - It's Free!" button, the site's sponsors will donate money to animal charities nationwide.

5) Tweet and spread the word about shelter pets that need loving homes.  You never know who you could motivate to adopt!