Pet Care Articles

Teeth Health is Very Important!
April 12th, 2012
Our little Bomber had a bad case of dental issues recently.  Within a week of returning from California with Bella in tow, Bomber began to have horrid breath and stopped playing with his new playmate.  We knew something was wrong and sure enough it was his teeth.  As a result, the vet performed a dental cleaning and three upper teeth in the back of his mouth had to be extracted.  This was Bomber's first dental.  He's 5.5 years old.  The total cost was over $300, but it was well worth it.  We were recommended Science Diet's TD formula to help prevent tarter build-up.  Both dogs love it.  Why are dentals so important?  Check it out courtesy of a CBS report...

“Disease can go to the kidneys and the heart and the brain and really cause a lot of damage,” explained Dr. Jan Bellows of the American Veterinary Dental College.

Experts say brushing is best, but that can be difficult for many dogs. 

“It’s kind of a problem where she has such a small mouth,” one dog owner said.

Brushing a dog’s teeth may be tricky, but experts say if you start them young, many will become more tolerant. It is cheaper than using special products or going to the vet and it will keep them healthier.


We aren't brushing our dogs' teeth, but giving them the TD formula food will help extend the visits to the vet for dental cleanings to once every 2-3 years instead of once every year.  Not a bad trade off!