Pet Care Articles

Dog-Walking Tips
July 2nd, 2011
My dog really enjoys to be walked.  Why is that?  Exercise?  Perhaps it's the fresh sights, sounds, and sounds?   Well, I have a few tips to make dog walking more enjoyable for you and your pooch...

1) Pick a cool destination and mix up where you walk your dog.  He'll love the new sights and everything that goes along with a fresh trail.

2) Speaking of trails, it's always best to walk your dog on dirt or grass and not asphalt.  The summer heat on pavement can often lead to burns on the pads of your dog's paws.  Not good.

3) Dogs are social animals, so try to take them somewhere they are likely to encounter other dogs.  Allow your dog to greet other well-behaved dogs if their owner is willing.  It will socialize your dog so he won't "act up" around other animals when they are encountered in other settings.

4) Play with your dog first before you walk him to "get the wiggles out".  He'll appreciate the extra attention and it will make for a more controlled dog walk.

5) Always be prepared with a plastic bag just in case your dog does his business during the walk.  No one likes an inconsiderate dog walker.

6) Have fun and be a proud dog owner.  He's your dog, show him off!  He'll love the attention!