Pet Care Articles

Tips to Brush Your Cat's Teeth
March 30th, 2014
Courtesy of

When they moved from striking prey outdoors to stalking socks inside, cat teeth care became our responsibility. Without clean teeth, gingivitis and stomatitis can creep in and cause serious problems.Time for pet parents to step in. It's never too late to start! Prep by getting a pet toothbrush, finger brush or a kid’s toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles. Even a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger or a cotton swab will work. Any of these tools can get slippery tartar off teeth before it hardens to plaque. Get your cat her own toothpaste, too.

Here’s how to keep your indoor cat’s teeth healthy with regular care.

1. Set up for Comfort

Hold your cat in your lap or place your cat on a table. Touch your cat’s mouth, lips and gums with your fingers. If your cat resists the setup, consider wrapping your cat in a towel. Try different handling methods to find your cat’s favorite.

2. Introduce to the Tooth

Squeeze cat toothpaste on gauze wrapped around your finger, a cotton swab, a finger brush, child’s toothbrush or your cat’s toothbrush. Let kitty smell and taste the toothpaste, even chew the brush or other surface.

3. Prep the Choppers

With your non-dominant hand, hold your cat’s head and ears. Then, pull back her lips with your fingers.

4. Entice a Smile

With your other hand, brush a few teeth with a gentle back and forth motion. If your cat resists the brush or other apparatus, dip it in tuna juice or canned food gravy to motivate your cat to open her mouth.

5. Go Slow

Progress gradually to other teeth, going slowly. Never force tooth brushing on your cat. Stop the process if your cat tries to writhe out of your hands or seems agitated.

6. Repeat and Treat.

Work up to a full tooth-brushing session and continue on a regular basis. Experts say working up to a full-mouth brushing comfort level could take weeks or even months. Treat and praise after each session. Connect happy times with tooth brushing!